Monday, September 5, 2011

Puppy Found her Forever Home!

My little mangey puppy has found her forever home. She will be living with her two mommies in the suburbs with a large fenced in yard. She will be going on hikes, going to the beach, and getting spoiled like she deserves. By the time we were leaving, she was already looking at them for reassurance and giving lots of kisses. She almost fell asleep in their arms =)

They already have a name in mind but what to spend some time with her before making it final. I was promised lots of pictures and updates so I will be sure to share.

Puppy can't officially be adopted until she is spayed so the shelter transferred the foster care to them. Since they have already fostered cats for ACCT, they were already approved to take her home. They already had lots of toys for her and were planning a trip to petsmart to get her a nylabone and new collar.

Medical News: Puppy is taking .25 cc's of ivermectin, still getting the fortaflora in the AM. Her stools are completely normal. Her new nail growth isn't white from malnutrition. There is a straight line of new, healthy nail showing, from when she was surrendered to the shelter and finally fed. In the beginning, Puppy wasn't gaining much weight, despite being fed many small meals throughout the day. However, now that her skin infection has healed and her hair is growing in, her body can now use the food to gain weight instead of heal itself. In one week she went from a little over 19 lbs to….

Here is a slightly boring, but cute, video of Puppy on her last morning with me.
Last Morning Play Session    - not sure if the link will work or not, sorry.

ps. I had to make her collar bigger a few days ago. That was exciting.

Off to the next dog...