Sunday, October 2, 2011

Update from adopters!


I just wanted to give you an update on our little princess. Im not sure if you received my previous update but she is doing ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. She has grown so much over the last 4 weeks. She was at the vet last week for her check up and she now weighs 31 lbs! Can you believe it?! The girls at ACCT are so shocked every time we bring her by. She just sprouted up and got all this meat on her bones. The funny thing is, watching her get bigger and bigger every day shes looking more and more grey hound! Her mange is getting sooooo much better, her hair is growing in so thick and beautiful! She is such a spoiled good girl! Ive never met such a little lover girl! Again, attached to this email you will find some updated pics! Hope this makes you smile!