Thursday, July 28, 2011

Days 2/3 "Mom, the sad dog is outside", says my 7 yr old neighbor

Days 2 and 3 were pretty much filled with the same activities: eating and sleeping.

Puppy is getting three small meals a day and she eats like there won't be food anymore. Nevertheless, she lets me put my hand in the bowl, stick my hands in her mouth, and take the bowl away while she is eating. So far, no food possession issues from this skinny minny.

When Puppy isn't eating, she is sleeping. I realized that she no longer wants to sleep with the panda. While I was sitting on the couch, she came over, sat on the ground near me, look up at me with her crusty, boogery eyes, and wagged her tail. Ugh, how could I resist.

So, I took two of the clean towels and covered the couch (and me). This is necessary because every time she moves her face, she gets crusty blood everywhere.

We had some snuggle time, of which I think she was appreciative. I am betting she wasn't shown this kind of love at her previous home. She is a good snuggler, except the blood crusties and disgusting mange smell (which you become accustomed to after a little while).

Now she tries to go onto the couch all the time, but she is only allowed up when she is invited. I showed her the "dog chair" and helped her get up there. Hopefully, she will learn that is the place to go unless invited onto the couch.

A 4 month old puppy should be much more active but because of her condition, she is exhausted and has no energy to actually be a puppy. Once her little body doesn't have to work so hard to help itself get healthy, she will be a silly puppy in no time =)

Some medical news: She still has intestinal worms, even after being dewormed at the shelter 3 days ago. They should have all been dead by now, but they are still alive. I'm not delving further into this. Just know that she is getting dewormed again tomorrow. Hopefully, the nutrients in the food will begin going to her instead of the worms. She is just a skeleton; it is quite sad watching her walk around with absolutely no muscle mass.


  1. That video was heart wrenching! She seems to be so uncomfortable! It must be so painful for her! Thank you just doesn't seem like enough Miss Anna Banana! I <3 you!!!

  2. Hey Anna, it's Jocelyn Robles. Feel free to bring this little girl to 926 N. 3rd Street for neem oil baths. It helps soothe irritated skin and also helps to clear up mange. Also, I have a small bottle of neem oil shampoo if you'd like as well. Thanks for taking this little girl in, I can't wait to see her personality reveal itself (and you know she's going to be a PITA to show all her puppy appreciation)!
