Sunday, October 2, 2011

Update from adopters!


I just wanted to give you an update on our little princess. Im not sure if you received my previous update but she is doing ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL. She has grown so much over the last 4 weeks. She was at the vet last week for her check up and she now weighs 31 lbs! Can you believe it?! The girls at ACCT are so shocked every time we bring her by. She just sprouted up and got all this meat on her bones. The funny thing is, watching her get bigger and bigger every day shes looking more and more grey hound! Her mange is getting sooooo much better, her hair is growing in so thick and beautiful! She is such a spoiled good girl! Ive never met such a little lover girl! Again, attached to this email you will find some updated pics! Hope this makes you smile!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Puppy Found her Forever Home!

My little mangey puppy has found her forever home. She will be living with her two mommies in the suburbs with a large fenced in yard. She will be going on hikes, going to the beach, and getting spoiled like she deserves. By the time we were leaving, she was already looking at them for reassurance and giving lots of kisses. She almost fell asleep in their arms =)

They already have a name in mind but what to spend some time with her before making it final. I was promised lots of pictures and updates so I will be sure to share.

Puppy can't officially be adopted until she is spayed so the shelter transferred the foster care to them. Since they have already fostered cats for ACCT, they were already approved to take her home. They already had lots of toys for her and were planning a trip to petsmart to get her a nylabone and new collar.

Medical News: Puppy is taking .25 cc's of ivermectin, still getting the fortaflora in the AM. Her stools are completely normal. Her new nail growth isn't white from malnutrition. There is a straight line of new, healthy nail showing, from when she was surrendered to the shelter and finally fed. In the beginning, Puppy wasn't gaining much weight, despite being fed many small meals throughout the day. However, now that her skin infection has healed and her hair is growing in, her body can now use the food to gain weight instead of heal itself. In one week she went from a little over 19 lbs to….

Here is a slightly boring, but cute, video of Puppy on her last morning with me.
Last Morning Play Session    - not sure if the link will work or not, sorry.

ps. I had to make her collar bigger a few days ago. That was exciting.

Off to the next dog...

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Total Transformation

Day 37

Puppy (official name) is a brand new dog. It was as if overnight her white hair grew in. This pretty lady is going to be white and brindle (I THINK the red brindle, not brown…but I am not quite sure yet). She is also weighing in at a little more than 19 lbs. I was told by a vet tech at ACCT that if she looks like she is still hungry, I can feed her more. So now I feed her 3x a day, 1 cup each meal. My 65 lb dog gets fed 1 cup 2x a day. So that just shows how much this little girl needs to eat. Here are some pics of her pretty white coat. P.S. She also likes to take all of the toys out of the toy bin and bring them to the dog bed =)

You can see that she is still noticeably underweight but a big improvement than when she first came.

Puppy is definitely feeling better and although she still sleeps much of the day, she plays hard during play time. She doesn't appear weak and doesn't tire as easily during play time. We went to a dog park with my friend and her puppy, same age, and Puppy was a champ. She sprinted around with the other dogs, rough housed, and chased balls. On a side note, she has taken up the bad habit of growling when playing, just like my resident dog does. She also flipped many dogs over on their backs (even a 70 lb pup). I think she is definitely learning play skills from my dog and, when given the chance, wants to finally be in charge…unlike at home where she is definitely lower on the dog-totem pole. (ignore the people comments please)

No update about the cruelty charges.

Medical Update: She is finished with her cephalexin, which should help her stools, which are still not normal. She was dewormed again at the shelter. I was given FortaFlora (or something) which is a probiotic. I sprinkle that on her food once a day. Lindsay from the Chic Petique also gave us a new food. All of this has seemed to help. Fingers crossed. She is up to .2 cc's of ivermectin but after talking to a few people and my on-line research, she should be on more (the shelter is very conservative) so I will be increasing her amount slowly. Paws are no longer inflammed but still huge. I think she was meant to be a big dog (owner said he bought her as a mastiff). But, with her severe malnutrition, she won't ever grow as big as she was supposed to.

Puppy is ready to find her forever home. She won't be able to be officially adopted until she is spayed, which can't happen until her mange test comes back either negative or low-positive, which may be another few weeks. Ummmmm, she is also listed as "male" but I am sure she is a female.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Puppy is an East Coast Traveler and other HUGE news!

New name (Chloe-owner's name to Puppy). New medicine. New food. New hair. New home. New family. New England. Yup, we went to Rhode Island for a few days, where I grew up, to visit my family. Puppy was a champ the entire time. Although I was prepared for some throw up on the long car ride, all Puppy did was sleep and try to snuggle with Maya (my dog).

The next video is Puppy meeting my mom and dad, as well as Betty (my former foster that my dad adopted a few years ago).  The energy and excitement that Puppy shows was so uplifting.

Next are just some pictures of Puppy playing with Betty and trying to play with Maya at the dog park. She followed Betty around everywhere and was putting on a show to try and get my dad to adopt her so she could stay with Betty (that was a no-go so she is still up for adoption).

Check out her new body frame. Not as skinny, although still really pathetic. She is definitely getting taller.

So while we were in Providence, Puppy went to Salon de Dad and got a medicated bath with a good scrubbing and her nails trimmed. She no longer has any crusties and her soft hair is quickly coming in. She is going to be white and brindle. I can't wait for the white on her nails to grow out, so another sign of neglect is gone forever.

Medical Update: Still on .20 CC's of Ivermectin and the antibiotic Cephalexin. She finished her round of Metronidozole but still doesn't have normal stool so I began adding pumpkin to her diet.

The man who surrendered Puppy brought in another adult female to animal control to surrender. This dog was, like my dog, very emaciated. Turns out that PSPCA looked into this guy in the winter time. With 2 more dogs as evidence (all pics I had to send to the agents), they will be pursuing criminal charges for neglect. So while his dogs (and I was told he has lots of puppies at his house) had to suffer, Karma is, hopefully, going to kick his butt. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 19…becoming a puppy

So Puppy still sleeps ALL of the time. She enjoys curling up into little tiny balls or draping her big floppy feet over her head but her favorite sleep position is snuggling! 

Sometimes she just walks onto my lap and nuzzles her nose under my arm or other times she just plops her head on my leg, like the pic above. I like to poke her nose and play with her still-inflammed feet when she is sleeping because a) she is cute and b) it will acclimate her to a life of living with kids, should she be adopted by a family with young kids.

These are just some other pictures of her to show the improvements in her skin. Right now the only place that is crusty is her face but next bath time I will scrub that off.

This next picture is a favorite…she has hair growing in on her tail! It used to just look like a rat tail, but now you can see the little white sprouts =)

Now here is the best part…The times when Puppy is most alive is when I open the back door. She nips and licks at my dog, trying to get her to play. Maya won't play but I am going home to Rhode Island for a few days and my dad's dog (a former foster of mine) will def play with her. Of course I will take videos. So here is a little clip of Puppy doing something other than sleeping and giving herself time/energy to heal.

Medical Update: She took her last dose of Metronidozole, which was to combat diarrhea. Her stools are healthy now and hopefully they stay that way even after she is off the medicine. Her Ivermectin dose increased to 2 cc's, because of her weight gain (18.1 lbs!!).

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 10 Pictures-Found my camera cord!

Found my camera cord, these are pictures and a VERY cute video of Puppy from Day 10.

Rufus, the tan dog, is a friend's foster dog whom I was babysitting for the week. He is also available for adoption…house-broken, crate trained, dog/cat/kid friendly, obedient:
More information about Rufus!

You can see that Puppy doesn't have nearly as much blood-crusties as she did when I brought her home. Right now, it is just on the sides of her face and her spine.

She followed Rufus and Maya around everywhere! It is so cute to watch her want to do everything they are doing. She is also at about an 80% success rate with "sit".

Below is a video that begins as any other video I do….me capturing nothing interesting, talking to myself/the dog/the camera.  But….I caught cuteness when I recorded a surprise conversation I had with my neighbor who is starting first grade in the fall.

Note: about halfway through, she asks "How about Friday?"….Friday was here 3-foster dogs ago. I had Friday, who was a small black pit and then when Friday was adopted I took another little black pit whom I named Tuna. My neighbor couldn't remember that they were two different dogs.  Then, after Tuna was adopted I "executed" a bite-case quarantine for a dog that was brought in by his owner, who stated that while the owner was on the ground with the dog, playing with it and, admittedly growling at it, the dog bit him on the face. "The dog?", you may ask… oh, it was just an 8 week old puppy. Yeah, seriously. So even though the owner said the puppy didn't break skin, nor does it even seem logical because puppies are MOUTHY, all dogs who have reportedly bitten legally have to go on a 10-day quarantine. This is the amount of time it takes for rabies symptoms to present themselves. So, because this dog (also referred to as "Puppy" in my house) was a bite-case, he was not allowed to be handled by anyone and was going to sit in his small cage at the shelter before he could even be evaluated for adoption. I had to sign some special paperwork, legal jumbo-mumbo, and agreed not to take Bite Case Puppy off my property, no one but me was allowed to touch him, and he was not to interact with any animals. Not surprisingly, Bite Case Puppy passed his evaluation once his bite hold was done,  transferred to a real foster home, and was quickly adopted by a family with kids. Blah blah blah, I say all this because my neighbor asks where Friday is when, in reality, she wasn't even the last dog that she has seen in my yard.