Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day 19…becoming a puppy

So Puppy still sleeps ALL of the time. She enjoys curling up into little tiny balls or draping her big floppy feet over her head but her favorite sleep position is snuggling! 

Sometimes she just walks onto my lap and nuzzles her nose under my arm or other times she just plops her head on my leg, like the pic above. I like to poke her nose and play with her still-inflammed feet when she is sleeping because a) she is cute and b) it will acclimate her to a life of living with kids, should she be adopted by a family with young kids.

These are just some other pictures of her to show the improvements in her skin. Right now the only place that is crusty is her face but next bath time I will scrub that off.

This next picture is a favorite…she has hair growing in on her tail! It used to just look like a rat tail, but now you can see the little white sprouts =)

Now here is the best part…The times when Puppy is most alive is when I open the back door. She nips and licks at my dog, trying to get her to play. Maya won't play but I am going home to Rhode Island for a few days and my dad's dog (a former foster of mine) will def play with her. Of course I will take videos. So here is a little clip of Puppy doing something other than sleeping and giving herself time/energy to heal.

Medical Update: She took her last dose of Metronidozole, which was to combat diarrhea. Her stools are healthy now and hopefully they stay that way even after she is off the medicine. Her Ivermectin dose increased to 2 cc's, because of her weight gain (18.1 lbs!!).

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