Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Total Transformation

Day 37

Puppy (official name) is a brand new dog. It was as if overnight her white hair grew in. This pretty lady is going to be white and brindle (I THINK the red brindle, not brown…but I am not quite sure yet). She is also weighing in at a little more than 19 lbs. I was told by a vet tech at ACCT that if she looks like she is still hungry, I can feed her more. So now I feed her 3x a day, 1 cup each meal. My 65 lb dog gets fed 1 cup 2x a day. So that just shows how much this little girl needs to eat. Here are some pics of her pretty white coat. P.S. She also likes to take all of the toys out of the toy bin and bring them to the dog bed =)

You can see that she is still noticeably underweight but a big improvement than when she first came.

Puppy is definitely feeling better and although she still sleeps much of the day, she plays hard during play time. She doesn't appear weak and doesn't tire as easily during play time. We went to a dog park with my friend and her puppy, same age, and Puppy was a champ. She sprinted around with the other dogs, rough housed, and chased balls. On a side note, she has taken up the bad habit of growling when playing, just like my resident dog does. She also flipped many dogs over on their backs (even a 70 lb pup). I think she is definitely learning play skills from my dog and, when given the chance, wants to finally be in charge…unlike at home where she is definitely lower on the dog-totem pole. (ignore the people comments please)

No update about the cruelty charges.

Medical Update: She is finished with her cephalexin, which should help her stools, which are still not normal. She was dewormed again at the shelter. I was given FortaFlora (or something) which is a probiotic. I sprinkle that on her food once a day. Lindsay from the Chic Petique also gave us a new food. All of this has seemed to help. Fingers crossed. She is up to .2 cc's of ivermectin but after talking to a few people and my on-line research, she should be on more (the shelter is very conservative) so I will be increasing her amount slowly. Paws are no longer inflammed but still huge. I think she was meant to be a big dog (owner said he bought her as a mastiff). But, with her severe malnutrition, she won't ever grow as big as she was supposed to.

Puppy is ready to find her forever home. She won't be able to be officially adopted until she is spayed, which can't happen until her mange test comes back either negative or low-positive, which may be another few weeks. Ummmmm, she is also listed as "male" but I am sure she is a female.

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